<#assign folderPath = “/content/documents/gogreen/about” />
<#assign folder = hstRequest.getRequestContext().getObjectBeanManager().getObject(folderPath) />
<#if folder?has_content>
Folder found: ${folderPath}
<#list folder.getNodes() as node>
${node.name} (${node.primaryNodeType.name})
No content found in the folder.
folder path prints but how to get the documents in that path. tried folder.getNodes() as well as folder.getchildbeans(hippo:type)
EssentialsListcomponent also not listing pageable values
The Object returned by getObject(folderPath) is a HippoFolder object. It doesn’t have nodes as it is on a different level of abstraction. What it has is HippoDocumentBean objects.
<#list folder.getDocuments() as document>
something like that should work.
Under each folder there is hippo:handle item which in turn has hippo:document .
to get that document and content in it how should the list be updated because get documents gets only the hippo:handle part.
Beneath the handle there are potentially three version of your document. But you aren’t getting a handle node with the code above. You are getting a HippoDocumentBean. Which variant you are retrieving depends on the context. In the site it would be the live variant, in the experience manager it would be the unpublished variant.