I have a groovy script in the updater scripts called Update Menu Item
This script is quite old, references an import that no longer exists at the location ( it’s been moved )
import org.hippoecm.repository.decorating.PropertyDecorator;
When I delete this updater script in my local environment changes doesn’t seem to affect the file that is other environments, it seems like it’s getting bootstraped somehow. I have tried creating an hcm-actions.yaml and this does work on local environment when I create the file again and reload Hippo, but does not work when I deploy my code in other machines.
action-lists: - 1.0: /hippo:configuration/hippo:update/hippo:registry/Update Menu Item: delete
Error that shows when trying to start the application in other environments that aren’t local
ERROR [org.onehippo.repository.update.UpdaterRegistry.buildRegistry():88] Failed to register updater ‘Update Menu Item’: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
updater: 7: unable to resolve class org.hippoecm.repository.decorating.PropertyDecorator
@ line 7, column 1.
import org.hippoecm.repository.decorating.PropertyDecorator;
1 error
Someone knows how to get rid of this updater script?