Hi Bloomreach,
I am not able to run the cms, when i tried get the below error
Error while setting up JCR repository:
javax.jcr.RepositoryException: unchecked exception:
Project ‘hippo-plugin-selections’ has a missing dependency ‘hippo-cms’
thanks in advance
I want to add that this error happens after i alter the cnd. I was adding a custom component. Went well but the next day i got this error. So when i start the server i see in the cms.log the error
The dependency in question is from the hcm-module.yaml files. They define in which order various modules should be loaded. Somewhere in there you are loading things in the incorrect order, is the implication. Can’t directly say what is wrong in your project or why a cnd change would cause that.
Hi Jasper,
Thank you for your help, this is hcm-module.yaml file screenshot
indeed I added two more configuration file inside the hcm-module, perphas here is the error, see please below the tree
jcr:primaryType: frontend:pluginconfig
bloomreachtexwithtitleTemplates: /webfiles/site/freemarker/bloomreach/catalog/textwithtitle/textwithtitle.ftl
jcr:primaryType: frontend:plugin
plugin.class: org.example.components.valuelists.ContentblockTemplatesValueListProvider
valuelist.provider: service.valuelist.contentblocktemplates
I add this line
[bloomreach:textwithtitle] > bloomreach:basedocument, hippostd:relaxed, hippotranslation:translated
I hope you can help me
Those changes should not be a problem. There are probably some other changes done by autoexport, but I wouldn’t expect those to break the system either. hippo-plugin-selections is a default module added by the product. There is no reason why this would break. Have you added or changed any dependencies, including maven dependencies? Something is being loaded in the wrong order, but likely the error you are seeing is a symptom not a cause.
Hi Jasper thank you for your help, this the new dependencies I add in the pom from the site project
<!--new dependencies for class ContentblockTemplatesValueListProvider-->
And here is the entire pom from side project
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
bloomreach Site Components
bloomreach Site Components
<!--new dependencies for class ContentblockTemplatesValueListProvider-->
I think you need to add the selections dependencies to the cms pom instead of the site pom. Please try that.
Hi Jasper thank you for your help.
I spot the error I added my java classes in site, that was a big error, it should be done in the cms. After I remove my java classes I’m not getting the error anymore, but still the cms is crashing
update from the cms.log
13.04.2023 21:32:54 ERROR main [ConfigurationServiceImpl.applyConfig:972] Failed to apply config
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer]
mandatory property {Bloomreach Documentation}
lastModifiedBy does not exist
-----please find below /hippo:namespaces/bloomreach/textwithtitle/
Im not sure where to add this inside the prototype
{Bloomreach Documentation}
should I add:
hipposysedit:uri: Bloomreach Documentation
exactly where?
jcr:primaryType: hipposysedit:templatetype
jcr:mixinTypes: [‘editor:editable’, ‘mix:referenceable’]
jcr:primaryType: hippo:handle
jcr:mixinTypes: [‘mix:referenceable’]
jcr:primaryType: hipposysedit:nodetype
jcr:mixinTypes: [‘mix:referenceable’, ‘hipposysedit:remodel’]
hipposysedit:node: true
hipposysedit:supertype: [‘hippo:compound’, ‘hippostd:relaxed’]
hipposysedit:uri: http://www.bloomreach.com/bloomreach/nt/1.0
jcr:primaryType: hipposysedit:field
hipposysedit:mandatory: false
hipposysedit:multiple: false
hipposysedit:ordered: false
hipposysedit:path: bloomreach:document
hipposysedit:primary: false
hipposysedit:type: hippo:mirror
hipposysedit:validators: [required]
jcr:primaryType: hipposysedit:field
hipposysedit:mandatory: false
hipposysedit:multiple: false
hipposysedit:ordered: false
hipposysedit:path: bloomreach:template
hipposysedit:primary: false
hipposysedit:type: DynamicDropdown
jcr:primaryType: hipposysedit:prototypeset
jcr:primaryType: bloomreach:textwithtitle
bloomreach:colorRadiogroup: ‘’
bloomreach:template: ‘’
jcr:primaryType: hippo:mirror
hippo:docbase: cafebabe-cafe-babe-cafe-babecafebabe
jcr:primaryType: editor:templateset
jcr:primaryType: frontend:plugincluster
frontend:properties: [mode]
frontend:references: [wicket.model, model.compareTo, engine, validator.id]
frontend:services: [wicket.id, validator.id]
jcr:primaryType: frontend:plugin
item: ${cluster.id}.field
plugin.class: org.hippoecm.frontend.service.render.ListViewPlugin
jcr:primaryType: frontend:plugin
caption: Text with Title Document
field: document
hint: Selecteer het textmettitel document
plugin.class: org.hippoecm.frontend.editor.plugins.field.NodeFieldPlugin
wicket.id: ${cluster.id}.field
jcr:primaryType: frontend:pluginconfig
base.path: /content/documents/bloomreach/components
last.visited.enable: “false”
nodetypes: [‘bloomreach:textwithtitle’]
jcr:primaryType: frontend:plugin
caption: Template
field: template
hint: Select a template variation
plugin.class: org.hippoecm.frontend.editor.plugins.field.PropertyFieldPlugin
wicket.id: ${cluster.id}.field
jcr:primaryType: frontend:pluginconfig
source: bloomreachtexwithtitleTemplates
valuelistProvider: service.valuelist.contentblocktemplates
Thanks in advance
The hipposysedit:prototype node is a node of the type the namespace node defines. It thus needs all the mandatory properties that are required for a node of that type, including inherited ones. I don’t know why your prototype isn’t correct. The easiest thing would be to delete the prototype node and go to your type in the cms type editor panel. IF you open it for editing it should recreate the prototype.
Hi Jasper, I’m still not able to run the cms… the screen display 503 error, so I cannot go to the cms and edit it. Perhaps if I delete from the yaml file is a good solution?
Hi Jasper, problem solve, I was missing properties in the prototype
Thank you for your help! we can close this ticket