Method getBean() of class HippoBean returns null after upgrade to version 13

Hello all,

We are currently working on upgrading Bloomreach from version 12.6.25 to version 13.0.0

After the upgrade the version 13 the method getBean() from the class HippoBean is returning null. Below is a code sample:

final HippoBean root = ctx.getSiteContentBaseBean();
final Mount siteMount = ctx.getMount(SITE_MOUNT_ALIAS);
final Mybean = root.getBean(siteMount.getParameter(SCOPE_PARAM));

I was reading on the documentation that many of the HST core Sping Beans have been dropped in the version 13. Would there be a workaround to achive this on version 13?

The reason of the nullpointer was that I had the wrong folder structure created under documents.