Hi Team,
To render the Bloomreach content on server side I tried to use bloomreach/react-sdk v19.0 that has react 18. However, when I tried to pass the page object to the brPage tag it is returning as null on ServerSide. (FYI my application is using react 17)
As an alternative to make SSR work I downgraded the use bloomreach/react-sdk to v17.1.1 that has react 17 But now I am getting a diff error (Can’t import the named export) thrown by react-sdk. Can someone from bloomreach team help with the possible fix
ERROR in ./node_modules/@bloomreach/react-sdk/dist/index.mjs 13:4-13
Can’t import the named export ‘useEffect’ from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)
@ ./src/components/views/HomePageView/HomeView.tsx
@ ./src/root.component.tsx
@ ./src/node-entry.tsx
ERROR in ./node_modules/@bloomreach/react-sdk/dist/index.mjs 11:17-23
Can’t import the named export ‘useRef’ from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)
@ ./src/components/views/HomePageView/HomeView.tsx
@ ./src/root.component.tsx
@ ./src/node-entry.tsx
Jagadeesh Buggaveeti