I am trying to retrieve imagelink property from pagemodel api. The reason I am doing this, is that I need in my component to retrieve the properties from the document selected into that component.
Here is the json output for the selected document:
u3a83d2788d274c3f9ce3d40add3ab7d9: {
- id: “3a83d278-8d27-4c3f-9ce3-d40add3ab7d9”,
- _meta: { },
- _links: {
- site: {
- href: “/site/”,
- type: “internal”}},
- site: {
- name: “article-header”,
- displayName: “Article-Header”,
- keys: [
- “manufacturing”],
- date: 1612994400000,
- description: “Lorem ipsum article header description”,
- title: “Parents’ Guide to turning a home office into a learning space”,
- alternatekeys: [
- “category-2”,
- “category-3”],
- videoLink: “www.videoURL.com”,
imagelink: {
** * $ref: “/content/u3c740fcf8ec54f00a713ff96caa645c8”},** - localeString: “en”
I am able to retrieve all the required properties on my HippoBean but not the imagelink . Any help is much appreciated.
This is how I retrieve the properties on my HippoBean:
HippoBean hippoBean = request.getRequestContext().getSiteContentBaseBean().getBean(socialPromo.getArticleDocument());