I do not get the error. I logged the output of String-Formatter. The result looks fine.
Here is an example :
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 06.03.2020 17:17:00 INFO Hippo JCR Quartz Job Scheduler_Worker-1 [FeedImporter.createFeed:87] Successfully created Document /content/documents/osde_40/markt/feeds/2020/3/6/Jetzt mehr als 100.000 Menschen weltweit infiziert at /content/documents/osde_40/markt/feeds/2020/3/6/Jetzt mehr als 100.000 Menschen weltweit infiziert with pubdate 2020-03-06T16:22:45+01:00
Maybe is it because I am using the contentnode of the exim-plugin ?
But at the end I do not unerstand why the hard coded string works and the formatted- which looks the same- not !!!