SitemapV2 - Sitemap.xml with all pages


After researching I found this other topic → Sitemap.xml with all pages

It’s what I need but using the V2 plugin I see that it doesn’t show me the blog pages or the help pages created. In short, it does not index the generated pages.

Am I missing something? Does it need any extra configuration or the “default feed cached” should work?

Best regards,

The default feed uses the org.onehippo.forge.sitemapv2.components.DefaultSitemapFeed, so not based on documents. Try the org.onehippo.forge.sitemapv2.components.DocumentFeed.


In that case, only get the blog pages… but it is a step forward… Is there any way to have both kinds of sitemap? The defaultSitemapFeed and the DocumentFeed?

I think you may need to build this yourself.

Yeah! Since your previous reply I’ve been working on making a new custom sitemap by mixing the two, it works quite well. Thank you very much for the idea!