Bread crumb plugin and configuration are working fine after following the steps in the installaiton and configuraion for news and content folders. but now working for the folder in the folders i creeated. updated the site menu and sitemenuitems and also reference site map which has 3 level depth any configuration missing or needed other than this. My sitemenuitem has level 1 name under main menu and reference to site map item using referencesitemapitem which has three levels.
I’m sorry, what is the question? I don’t quite understand what you are asking.
- Breadcrumb plugin installation and configuration done
- we have folders f1 and f2 in the same level as news and content
- we have sitemaps for f1 and f2 under hst:workspace/sitemaps
- breadcrumb shows up for news and content links
- for f1 and f2 breadcrumbs shows only the level1 folder
- sitemenus have only level1 for f1 and f2 and sitemapitems are created from experience manager and hence they are not in project sitemaps instead added to workspace /sitemaps and breadcrumbs not visible
- sitemenus configured for referencesitemap as well but not showing up values in breadcrumb for level 2 and level 3
any other setting needs to be done for breadcrumbs to work.
it works fine for news and content without any extra configuration after breadcrumbs installation. do i have to add my folders to any configuration settings.
What are your sitemenus? Did you configure those menus in the component configuration?
The sitemenus are created for level 1 items to map to sitemapitem . the menu is repo based so not created in experience manager. i even deleted those sitemenus but still it is not picking up the sitemapitems i created
The menu has to be configured in the component parameter breadcrumb-menus.
The breadcrumb-menus default value is main and my menus under ‘main’. but the actual menu we have is rendered from code. my question is it works for news and content folder. what should i do for my folder to get it. the only extra thing for each folder is the sitemap i create same as folder structure,
I’m afraid I don’t see where the error is. You don’t need to do anything to the folder to expose these documents. You do need a path to get there (sitemap item, menu item). Perhaps it would be informative to set a breakpoint in then breadcrumb component and see how the code puts it together.