Demorepobased - folder menus

i am using the testsuite code demorepobased menus code

ftl :
<hst:link var=“link” link=“${item.hstLink}” />


also tried this
< var=“link” hippobean=folder fullyQualified=true />

hippobean=“{folder}” as well


this.hstLink = request.getRequestContext().getHstLinkCreator().create(repoItem, request.getRequestContext());

i have a folder about-us/management-structure
in about us menu i list folders under about us

the list is perfect but the above hstlink doesnt point to about-us/management-structure and always points to about-us

for hstlink to refect the folder url does we have to do any other cms/console changes in a folder or sitemapitem or relative content path.

Please let me know why hstlink is not working for the folder i created

Could you share your sitemap structure? Perhaps it cannot create a link to that location.

Yes sitemap names are corrected but pages linked to them have the name
“-contentpage” appended at the end of the page names. so it is unable to find the pages i manually renamed them and working fine,

while creating a new page in experience manager we are selecting page template as content page by default no other option available what shall we do for creating a template of our own other than simple-content-page