BrXM v16 not deployable in Bloomreach Cloud

We have successfully upgraded our BrXM implementation from version 15.x to 16.0. The upgraded BrXM v16.0 is running smoothly in our local environment. However, we are experiencing issues with deploying it to the Bloomreach Cloud; the deployment process stalls, and we see errors in the log.

According to the documentation, Bloomreach Cloud was supposed to support BrXM v16 starting from July 12th. ( Can someone please confirm if this upgrade has been completed? Additionally, how can I check which version of the Bloomreach Cloud platform (Mission Control) is currently running?


I suggest you make contact with support, but all stacks should be upgraded by this point. I can say little about your case without looking into your specific issues.

Thanks Jasper. I’ve created a support ticket.

The deployment issue has been resolved. It was caused by skipping a step in the upgrade process: Migrate From Sun Mail to Eclipse Angus Mail - Bloomreach Experience Manager (PaaS/Self-Hosted) - The Fast and Flexible Headless CMS.

We initially skipped this step because we didn’t have the old includes that needed to be replaced. However, after adding the new includes, we were able to successfully deploy the distribution on Bloomreach Cloud.

Thanks to the support team (Marijan Milicevic) for pointing this out.

Hi hcu,

Thanks for your update. Want to clarify a bit here so that we can improve the documentation.
You added:


and that resolved your issue. However, you didn’t initially add them because you did not have


in the project beforehand.

Could you please let me know if that’s correct? We can update some of the language is so.

Hi Nicholas,

Here is the original /src/main/assembly/common-lib-component.xml we had prior to the upgrade:

<component xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

We updated the javax.mail dependency to use the jakarta.mail namespace, specifically changing:




However, this change led to deployment issues on Bloomreach Cloud. To resolve the issue, we replaced that line with the four new includes, like so:

<component xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <!-- <include>jakarta.mail:mail</include> -->

Thanks so much for your update! We’ll make the documentation clearer for others.

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