Deploy site application inside nested context path


does anyone have an experience with deploying site application inside nested context path (i.e.

I know I can configure hosts and sitemap in JCR for “/myApp/home” path to take me to any page I want, but in my case path “” is already taken by some other application and I would like for my site application to live under “”. For one, I would like webfiles to be accesible under “…”.

I tried with changing site’s war filename from “myApp.war” to “myApp#home.war”, but I get errors when processing sitemap items:

“POSSIBLE WASTE DETECTED : Component gets rendered but never adds anything to the response…”.

When I changed webfilebundle (\repository-data\webfiles\src\main\resources\hcm-config\main.yaml) from “myApp” to “myApp/home”, it gives me another error inside “WebFilesServiceImpl”:

Cannot instantiate web file bundle because it does not point to a node of type 'webfiles:bundle"
