Displaying maintenance information for our users


I would like to display our user information such as upcoming maintenance.

The only way I found was as a label in the login screen: Customize the Login Page

  • Is there another way? For example as a header/footer row in the Experience Manager?
  • LoginPlugin: How can I use a text from the content area (administration folder) or from a console node (javax.jcr.Session)?


Hi ms2024,

You could add a custom message in your front end preview in the Experience Manager.
I suspect you could also perform a query for a document in a CustomLoginPlugin which could then be managed by admins to display any message on the login page.

Hi Nicholas,

thanks for your input.

With the following instructions I was able to work with a text from the content area: Bootstrap a Query using the Fluent Search API

Is there documentation for the front end preview? I’m not sure where to start here. :sweat_smile: