ERROR: Negative cache contains requested web file

Hi, all.

Have a trouble with my hippo instance. I made some changes in repository-data/webfiles/…/…ftl. Then deployed to docker container. In repository-data/application/…/autoeport-module.yml file autoexport specified as false. In repository-data/development/…/main.ftl autoexport is true. What should I do?

Got an error in stacktrace: Negative cache contains requested web file.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):

  • Failed at: #if param.icon.description && param.i… [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/components/singleTemplates/tariffCard.ftl” in macro “tariffCard” at line 83, column 75]

  • Reached through: @singleTariff.tariffCard item=item su… [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/components/tarifs-list.ftl” at line 45, column 33]

----. To see the stack trace, set ‘org.hippoecm.hst.servlet.HstFreemarkerServlet’ log-level to debug in log4j configuration or runtime via the logging servlet

%d{HH:mm:ss} WARN [HstFreemarkerServlet] For “&&” left-hand operand: Expected a boolean, but this has evaluated to a string (wrapper: f.t.SimpleScalar):

==> param.icon.description [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/components/singleTemplates/tariffCard.ftl” at line 83, column 80]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):

  • Failed at: #if param.icon.description && param.i… [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/components/singleTemplates/tariffCard.ftl” in macro “tariffCard” at line 83, column 75]

  • Reached through: @singleTariff.tariffCard item=item su… [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/components/tarifs-list.ftl” at line 45, column 33]

----. To see the stack trace, set ‘org.hippoecm.hst.servlet.HstFreemarkerServlet’ log-level to debug in log4j configuration or runtime via the logging servlet

%d{HH:mm:ss} WARN [HstFreemarkerServlet] For “&&” left-hand operand: Expected a boolean, but this has evaluated to a string (wrapper: f.t.SimpleScalar):

==> param.icon.description [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/components/singleTemplates/tariffCard.ftl” at line 83, column 80]

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):

  • Failed at: #if param.icon.description && param.i… [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/components/singleTemplates/tariffCard.ftl” in macro “tariffCard” at line 83, column 75]

  • Reached through: @singleTariff.tariffCard item=item su… [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/components/tarifs-list.ftl” at line 45, column 33]

----. To see the stack trace, set ‘org.hippoecm.hst.servlet.HstFreemarkerServlet’ log-level to debug in log4j configuration or runtime via the logging servlet

%d{HH:mm:ss} WARN [HstFreemarkerServlet] The following has evaluated to null or missing:

==> toHideMainMenu [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/base-layout.ftl” at line 135, column 11]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that’s sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):

  • Failed at: #if !toHideMainMenu [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/base-layout.ftl” at line 135, column 5]

  • Reached through: #import “…/base-layout.ftl” as bread [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/components/page-sub-menu.ftl” at line 2, column 1]

----. To see the stack trace, set ‘org.hippoecm.hst.servlet.HstFreemarkerServlet’ log-level to debug in log4j configuration or runtime via the logging servlet

%d{HH:mm:ss} WARN [HstFreemarkerServlet] The following has evaluated to null or missing:

==> componentDivId [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/components/page-sub-menu.ftl” at line 10, column 12]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that’s sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):

  • Failed at: ${componentDivId} [in template “webfile:/freemarker/mainsite/components/page-sub-menu.ftl” at line 10, column 10]

----. To see the stack trace, set ‘org.hippoecm.hst.servlet.HstFreemarkerServlet’ log-level to debug in log4j configuration or runtime via the logging servlet

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary for ‘/dist/css/main.css’ :

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary ‘/webfiles/1554278649434/dist/css/main.css’, cause: Web file ‘/dist/css/main.css’ not found with session ‘liveuserdefault’

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary for ‘/dist/css/sprite.css’ :

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary ‘/webfiles/1554278649434/dist/css/sprite.css’, cause: Web file ‘/dist/css/sprite.css’ not found with session ‘liveuserdefault’

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary for ‘/dist/images/logo.svg’ :

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary ‘/webfiles/1554278649434/dist/images/logo.svg’, cause: Web file ‘/dist/images/logo.svg’ not found with session ‘liveuserdefault’

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary for ‘/dist/images/logo-mobile.svg’ :

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary ‘/webfiles/1554278649434/dist/images/logo-mobile.svg’, cause: Web file ‘/dist/images/logo-mobile.svg’ not found with session ‘liveuserdefault’

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary ‘/webfiles/1554278649434/dist/css/main.css’, cause: Negative cache contains requested web file.

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary for ‘/dist/js/build.js’ :

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary ‘/webfiles/1554278649434/dist/js/build.js’, cause: Web file ‘/dist/js/build.js’ not found with session ‘liveuserdefault’

14:08:49 INFO Cannot serve binary ‘/webfiles/1554278649434/dist/images/logo-mobile.svg’, cause: Negative cache contains requested web file.

Hi maksimyugai,

I am sure you would have fixed this error. But, I am adding the solution here for the benefit of others.

The webfiles that are added will be imported under /webfiles node (could be checked via console). The webfiles whose file size is larger than the one indicated in /hippo:configuration/hippo:modules/webfiles/hippo:moduleconfig/@maxFileLengthKb [default: 256kb] will be skipped and these wouldn’t be available under /webfiles and they would end up with negative cache error.

Increase the value of /hippo:configuration/hippo:modules/webfiles/hippo:moduleconfig/@maxFileLengthKb in order to accommodate the larger webfiles.

