Fixing 413 Request Entity Too Large Errors

I ave tried importing from a zip file from and getting this “413 Request Entity Too Large Errors”, thru the console

Performing it through the option , like XMLImport, this import is from a zip file Exported from another environment say from QA and imported to DEV.

Have tried increasing the size at these paths, but still no luck

Can some one help me on how to increase the limit so that I can get this error fixed.


The “413 Request Entity Too Large” error typically occurs when the size of the request exceeds the server’s configured limit. This issue has been encountered in the context of content export/import using the EXIM tool. To resolve this, you can request an increase in the data limit and timeout settings for the relevant environments.


you are risking to crash the server and corrupt the index/repository this way.
Console app is meant for small config (content) changes … “Entity Too Large Error:” is already indication that you are close to achieve that.