Hi everybody,
How do I get access to all available components on an Experience Page?
With regular pages I was always able to fetch all components by getting the HstComponentConfiguration from the ResolvedSitemapItem as follows:
ResolvedSiteMapItem resolvedSiteMapItem = request.getRequestContext().getResolvedSiteMapItem();
HstComponentConfiguration hstComponentConfiguration = resolvedSiteMapItem.getHstComponentConfiguration();
I could then get a hold of all available components on the current page.
With Experience Pages that doesn’t seem to work anymore. I simply get a null returned when calling resolvedSiteMapItem.getHstComponentConfiguration.
I get that the hst configuration has moved to the Document node that represents the Experience Page and might not qualify as hst configuration any more. However, can I get these components from somewhere else? Would I have to get them from the Exprience Page Document node? I simply can’t find this explained anywhere.