Getting Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: HST Services unavailable

Hi All,

we are using Hippo cms 11.2 version and trying to configure CRSIP api.
After adding pom.xml entries, am getting below exception …

i am getting below exception, please let me know what i have to do to fix this.

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: HST Services unavailable.

[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices.getModuleComponent(

[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices.getDefaultResourceServiceBroker(

[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at com.lbrands.cms.facade.MasterStyleIdFacade.findDocumentById(

[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at com.lbrands.cms.facade.MasterStyleIdFacade.getFieldExternalDocuments(

thanks & regards

Hi Ganesh,

If you’re invoking CRISP services in /cms context, you should use ResourceServiceBroker broker = HippoServiceRegistry.getService(ResourceServiceBroker.class); instead of using CrispHstServices, which starts deprecating the former in v13 as v13 has hst modules in both /cms and /site. So until then, in /cms context, you should get it through HippoServiceRegistry.

Could you try that again? Or do you still get null from it?

By the way, in that version, the crisp-hst module, loaded in /site webapp, is supposed to register the service to HippoServiceRegistry. So if there’s any error while registering the service on startup, you should be able to see error or warning logs in hippo-site.log file.



Thanks Woonsanko, i will try.