Hi All,
ResourceServiceBroker broker = HippoServiceRegistry.getService(ResourceServiceBroker.class);
We are using CMS 11.2.0 version, configured crisp api for external calls.
I am using 1.0.4 version of CRISP API.
I am getting NullpointerException, do i need to do any configuration for this, please let me know the steps.
I am using hippo-services:3.2.0 version for ResourceServiceBroker.
thanks & regards
what about using CrispHstServices instead, something like
ResourceServiceBroker broker = CrispHstServices.getDefaultResourceServiceBroker();
Does this work for you?
HI Giacomolm,
It’s works for, i am getting another exception :
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hippoecm/hst/site/HstServices
I have added maven dependencies but no use.
please let me know, what i have to do here.
thanks & regards
Are you trying to use CRISP within your site application, as example from an HST component?
Hi Giacomolm,
thank you.
I have removed that dependency from site module, but still getting same kind of stuff.
] Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hippoecm/hst/site/HstServices
[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices.getModuleComponent(CrispHstServices.java:50)
thanks & regards
Hi Ganesh,
class is in hst-commons-*.jar. So try to find where the jar is located in your (local cargo) tomcat folder. Also, compare it with the demo project when you run the demo project for v11.
HI Giacomolm,
thanks for your time and support, i will try and let you know.
Hi Woonsanko,
thank you, i will try and get back to you.
Hi Woonsanko,
i am getting below exception, please let me know what i have to do to fix this.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: HST Services unavailable.
[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices.getModuleComponent(CrispHstServices.java:51)
[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices.getDefaultResourceServiceBroker(CrispHstServices.java:64)
[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at com.lbrands.cms.facade.MasterStyleIdFacade.findDocumentById(MasterStyleIdFacade.java:158)
[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at com.lbrands.cms.facade.MasterStyleIdFacade.getFieldExternalDocuments(MasterStyleIdFacade.java:89)
thanks & regards
HI Giacomolm,
i am getting below exception, please let me know what i have to do to fix this.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: HST Services unavailable.
[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices.getModuleComponent(CrispHstServices.java:51)
[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at org.onehippo.cms7.crisp.hst.module.CrispHstServices.getDefaultResourceServiceBroker(CrispHstServices.java:64)
[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at com.lbrands.cms.facade.MasterStyleIdFacade.findDocumentById(MasterStyleIdFacade.java:158)
[ INFO ] [talledLocalContainer] at com.lbrands.cms.facade.MasterStyleIdFacade.getFieldExternalDocuments(MasterStyleIdFacade.java:89)
thanks & regards