Has missing child ;(

15.06.2023 13:01:39 INFO localhost-startStop-1 [OkHttpConfig.connectionPool:27] Constructing OkHttp Connection pool with maxIdleConnections: 5, keepAliveDuration: 5, timeUnit: MINUTES

Thu, Jun 15 2023 1:01:39 pm15.06.2023 13:01:39 INFO localhost-startStop-1 [OkHttpConfig.okHttpClient:56] Constructing OkHttp client with readTimeout: 30, writeTimeout: 30, connectTimeout: 30, timeUnit: SECONDS

Thu, Jun 15 2023 1:01:57 pm15.06.2023 13:01:57 ERROR localhost-startStop-1 [OnWorkspaceInconsistency$2.handleMissingChildNode:83] Node /hippo:log/test-dev-1/7/p (0a1c7bf6-5303-4e4c-8507-828d425c7f4f) has missing child β€˜8’ (3f9929c1-e81c-49d3-96f2-b08ba0e55863). Please run a consistency check on this workspace!

Thu, Jun 15 2023 1:01:59 pm15.06.2023 13:01:59 ERROR localhost-startStop-1 [OnWorkspaceInconsistency$2.handleMissingChildNode:83] Node /hippo:log/test-dev-1/t/c (8795dc0f-8043-46bf-9fb8-e5d09b5dbc7e) has missing child β€˜a’ (01e4956b-d016-477f-8888-5fbda140a9de). Please run a consistency check on this workspace!

Thu, Jun 15 2023 1:02:01 pm15.06.2023 13:02:01 ERROR localhost-startStop-1 [OnWorkspaceInconsistency$2.handleMissingChildNode:83] Node /hippo:log/test-dev-1/v/4 (8701a105-b723-4e4e-96f3-df472168d607) has missing child β€˜x’ (3df1f97c-183f-4c58-90c6-b0312a0a080c). Please run a consistency check on this workspace!

Thu, Jun 15 2023 1:02:03 pm15.06.2023 13:02:03 ERROR localhost-startStop-1 [OnWorkspaceInconsistency$2.handleMissingChildNode:83] Node /hippo:log/test-dev-1/c/g/j (a6ee5be6-3490-4daa-a5f7-3a81abc95025) has missing child β€˜0’ (141af98a-7738-4c10-8c97-8cc492ed1ee7). Please run a consistency check on this workspace!

Thu, Jun 15 2023 1:02:05 pm15.06.2023 13:02:05 ERROR localhost-startStop-1 [OnWorkspaceInconsistency$2.handleMissingChildNode:83] Node /hippo:log/test-dev-1/x/n (9d409fc7-9603-4a63-9722-9accd6b27534) has missing child β€˜8’ (f52e7b48-6f4c-46c1-ab4e-08b855283960). Please run a consistency check on this workspace!

Thu, Jun 15 2023 1:02:11 pm15.06.2023 13:02:11 ERROR localhost-startStop-1 [OnWorkspaceInconsistency$2.handleMissingChildNode:83] Node /hippo:log/test-dev-1/o/v (16745e38-860e-4771-ac15-34e0d67511e4) has missing child β€˜x’ (1940ec06-8a8c-4a2d-8ade-fbc10ded67ac). Please run a consistency check on this workspace!

Good afternoon My project has stopped running, at this stage it takes 1-2 hours for a very long time and nothing happens. Maybe there are some flags (parameters) for debugging at startup? How can you understand the reason. All this time 504 Gateway Time-out


It seems to me a consistency check is needed on the repository, so there’s the standalone checker tool for that, see here.

Or, more directly, you should be able to enable that with these settings on the
<PersistenceManager> element in the workspace.xml

  <param name="consistencyCheck" value="true"/>
  <param name="consistencyFix" value="true"/>


1 Like

16.06.2023 14:57:44 ERROR localhost-startStop-1 [RepositoryServlet.init:224] Error while setting up JCR repository:

Fri, Jun 16 2023 2:57:44 pmjavax.jcr.RepositoryException: unchecked exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Module hippo-cms/hippo-repository/hippo-repository-engine already exists while merging projects. Merging of modules is not supported.

Fri, Jun 16 2023 2:57:44 pm at org.hippoecm.repository.HippoRepositoryFactory.getHippoRepository(HippoRepositoryFactory.java:161) ~[hippo-repository-connector-5.6.8.jar:5.6.8]

Good afternoon, I get this error after a long run