How to change Hippo logs coming from Spring

Hey all!

We are working in our project with Hippo 12, and we are declaring and creating lots of beans using this

This is all working fine, but we faced some days ago an issue in one of our components, where we were just getting this error:

[DefaultPageErrorHandler.logWarningsForEachComponentExceptions:51] Component exception on productToolbarComponent : org.hippoecm.hst.core.component.HstComponentException: The component is not available.

This is all the information we got from the logs, and only when using the component, not on startup. Finnally we realized we declared two different beans with the same name and of course this was causing the issue. We already fixed that but, how can we make Hippo warn about this on startup? On a normal Spring application this would have been notified, so probably Hippo is catching this error somehow and not showing anything.

Apart from this, if we change the org.hippoecm.hst log level to debug, we do see some information about this on startup, but it’s just an INFO stating that it found a new definition for that bean and that it’s going to override it.


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Most probably component configuration is wrong.
Try to put breakpoints in: org.hippoecm.hst.core.container.HstComponentInvokerImpl
Or enable logging for hst core packages.