Hello! I’ve been trying to create my custom component class following the documentation guides, however, Bloomreach does not seem to locate my classes, even though I’ve set hst:componentclassname to the correct value - again following the documentation. This is the error I get:
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 18.04.2022 13:54:35 WARN http-nio-9080-exec-7 [AbstractBaseOrderableValve.handleComponentExceptions:306] Component exception(s) found in page request, ‘Request{ method=‘GET’, scheme=‘http’, host=‘loca
lhost:9080’, requestURI=’/site/_cmsinternal/content’, queryString=‘null’}’.
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 18.04.2022 13:54:35 WARN http-nio-9080-exec-7 [DefaultPageErrorHandler.logWarningsForEachComponentExceptions:51] Component exception on org.example.components.SimpletestdocumentComponent : org.hippoec
m.hst.core.component.HstComponentException: Cannot find the class of /hst:myproject/hst:configurations/myproject-preview/hst:workspace/hst:containers/contentlist/simpledocument/simpledocumentitem: org.example.components.Simpletestd
This is on a fresh project as I thought I did something wrong with the configuration on my previous one. I’ve created my component classes in this directory: myproject\site\components\src\main\java\org\example\components. Do you have any idea what might be causing this issue?