Hst:containercomponent not rendering editable area

I have created a hst:component under hst:pages that has some hst:containercomponent elements as children under a main hst:component.

I am able to view and edit the editable areas from the cms when I use this configuration as a prototype page. However, when using this as a normal hst:pages node, I am no longer able to see the editable area in the CMS.

My configuration is shown below. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

  jcr:primaryType: hst:component
  jcr:uuid: af5168bf-bb61-415c-bb21-3c1fe3a9bf2e
  hst:componentclassname: uk.co.nhbc.website.components.BasePageComponent
  hst:referencecomponent: hst:abstractpages/base
    jcr:primaryType: hst:component
    jcr:uuid: bff4ee96-cf8a-4a46-9673-46e2812c76f9
    hst:template: genericcontentpage-main
      jcr:primaryType: hst:containercomponent
      jcr:mixinTypes: ['dxphst:mergeable']
      jcr:uuid: 294d7aff-1897-446e-824e-50f0039cd306
      hst:label: Main Container
      hst:xtype: hst.vbox
      jcr:primaryType: hst:containercomponent
      jcr:mixinTypes: ['dxphst:mergeable']
      jcr:uuid: dc64833c-c36a-4769-ae85-fa8e765ccb1a
      hst:label: Main Container
      hst:xtype: hst.vbox
      jcr:primaryType: hst:containercomponent
      jcr:mixinTypes: ['dxphst:mergeable']
      jcr:uuid: 83b59366-a547-420c-ba6d-ef8e09643a14
      hst:label: Main Container
      hst:xtype: hst.vbox

Hello Sam,

the above configuration works when it’s part of your prototype because when used this way the page configuration is copied over under the hst:workspace/hst:pages node.

Now if you use the same configuration under hst:pages outside of the workspace the areas won’t be visible/editable because only configuration that is located under hst:workspace is editable from the channel manager.

The way you would have to configure the above is place the containers under hst:workspace/hst:containers and from your configuration under hst:pages use references to the containers (hst:containercomponentreference)

HTH and kind regards,

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