[Meetup] Customize the CMS using Open UI

Join us on Thursday the 8th of August at 6 pm to dive into the details about how to customize the CMS using Open UI.

Customizations of the UI is tricky because it makes upgrading your project a pain. It is possible to extend the UI of Bloomreach Experience Manager using predefined Open UI extension points. Open UI provides a standardized framework to extend the CMS with e.g. pixel tracking, SEO, heatmaps, typo detection and other 3rd party tools. Such a UI extension is an application that is either packaged and deployed with the project or runs on a different server. At this point, there are extension points for page tools in the Channel Manager and for document fields in the content editor. Dialogues can be opened by both types of extensions.

We’ll kick things off at 6.00 pm with snacks and drinks. The presentations will be from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm (followed by drinks and mingling).

18.00 - 18.30: Walk in and networking drinks & snacks
18.30 - 19.00: Open UI - External Document Picker written in React
19.00 - 19.30: Open UI - Integrating Google Analytics with a Page Tools extension
19.30 - End: Q&A - Drinks and mingling

// Open UI - External Document Picker written in React - Kenan Salic

In this presentation, we will walk through the basic steps of creating an Open UI extension for using 3rd party functionality in the Experience Manager. A focus will be on external pickers for document fields written in React and styled with Material UI.

// Open UI - Integrating Google Analytics with a Page Tools extension - Eleftherios Karamoulas

This UI Extension is a very simple example of how Bloomreach Experience can be configured and integrated with Google Analytics. The extension functions as a quick start using the Google Reporting API. It executes queries to fetch metrics (eg. page views, total visitors, new visitors etc) and 3C.js is used to create graphical diagrams that visualise our data.

Space is limited to 30 developers, so be quick and RSVP today.

Will you be recording this?

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Yep, I’ll upload the recordings next week on developers.bloomreach.com/blog :slight_smile:

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