pageable.visiblePages how to change this parameter

If I got more than 200 hits and let this hits sort into pages, there is this one parameter I cannot change: “visiblePages” on pageable.
I render a pagination with a 5-limit-range, but it slipts the paging in two blocks, if the amount of pages is more than 10…
Probably it is not recommended to go over 10 visible pages for perfarmance-reasons?

This is parameter is on org.onehippo.cms7.essentials.components.paging.Pageable, used by EssentialsListComponent and subclasses, right? Assumption is people will not be browsing through more than 10 pages but rather search with a different term… It’s there for performance reasons indeed but performance is hard to predict in concrete projects so you can experiment.

But why can’t you change it?

Hi Jeroen,
why can’t I change it? Good question, I thought I could change it the same way, as I change the parameter “pageSize” via cms/console - but with no result. Debug-output is still “10” after I changed it to “25”.
So… I do not know why I cannot change it, I just can’t by that way…?!


P.S.: yes it is on the essential-component “Pageable”

‘pageSize’ should determine the number of results on a page, see the generic list component [1].
That is not the same as ‘visiblePages’ which is about how many pages you see in the page navigation list (usually something like << 1 | 2 | 3 .. 8 >>).

I do see ‘visiblePages’ is not a component parameter so indeed not configurable. Not sure about you goal but if you want to use that, you’ll have to create a custom component.

Hi Jeroen,
yes it is a different parameter - I just wanted to tell you that I can change this parameter but cannot change the other.
By pageSize I can de- or increse the pages (higher pageSize gets less pages).

Okay, so if the visiblePages parameter is not configurable… I discuss with my team weather we have a custom component or just rearrange our content.
Thanx a lot!
