Currently, we are using Bloomreach 12.6.9 version.
Our Relevance DB is occupying too much space. It has stored almost 22M rows within the span of 6-8 months.
Number of records in request log has reached 12.5M rows and occupied 26GB space and Visitors reached 9M rows and occupied 15GB.
Is there a way to delete/purge the data which is older than 6 months ?
The stores can be configured to truncate stale data. Set the property maxAgeDays to 180 so that all data older than approximately 6 months is deleted.
You might want to upgrade to Bloomreach 13.4 so that you can configure the property cleanupJobCronTrigger to specify when the truncation jobs are executed.
We’re facing the same space issue and we are trying to configure the requestlog data store as specified in documentation.
However, the cleanup cronjob doesn’t seem to be working. This is how our /targeting:targeting/targeting:datastores/targeting:requestlog is configured (cron expression set to run every 2 minutes for testing):