Upgrade Bloomreach from 14.7.3 tp 15.1.3

Upgrading Bloomreach from 14.7.3 to 15.1.3. Adding the dependencies as stated in Upgrade to Java 11 - Bloomreach Experience Manager (PaaS/Self-Hosted) - The Fast and Flexible Headless CMS gives below error when I run mvn -Pcargo.run -X

DEBUG] (s) groupId = jakarta.xml.bind
[DEBUG] (s) artifactId = jakarta.xml.bind-api
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 0.587 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-11-21T22:15:28-06:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:1.7.15:start (cargo-run) on project dx-cms: Unable to parse configuration of mojo org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:1.7.15:start for parameter scope: Cannot find ‘scope’ in class org.codehaus.cargo.maven2.configuration.Dependency → [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:1.7.15:start (cargo-run) on project dx-cms: Unable to parse configuration of mojo org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:1.7.15:start for parameter scope: Cannot find ‘scope’ in class org.codehaus.cargo.maven2.configuration.Dependency

If I remove those dependencies, I do not see the error . Could you please help me if we need these dependencies to be added

You probably have an error in the xml. Maybe you added the dependencies on the wrong level. I do think you will need them.