Validation problem during image upload with "Image Picker" in versions 15.5.x and 15.6.x

Hi friends,

After upgrading to version 15.5.x, if we try to upload a new image by “Image Picker” when the image does not meet our validation criteria, we don’t get an error message like before.

Here is an error message for an image which is not pass our constraints in version 15.4.0.

Kind regards,
Mark Kaloukh

Hi Mark,

Thanks for reporting this, I have quickly reproduced this on 15.6. Could you please create a ticket with our support team (if you have access) so this issue will get prioritized?

Also this seems fine on 16.0, (e.g. on our public demo), so upgrading can be a way forward too. Note this is a major with Java 17 involved.

Regards, Jeroen


thanks for reporting this. I have reproduced this behavior in an archetype project, also in 15.6.0. I will let out engineers know so they can look into this.

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Hi again… it’s fixed per CMS-15930 in 16.0 and also in upcoming 15.7, availability expected in a month or so.


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Hi dear Jeroen,
I appreciate you, for your straightforward and immediate answer.
I wish you a nice weekend,
Yours sincerely,
Mark Kaloukh

Again, thanks. :pray:

Hi dear Jasper,
I really appreciate you.
Kind regards
Mark Kaloukh