Xpath query to allow underscores in regex matching

Hi everyone,

The value of my hippo:name property can have values with underscore in them (first_name). I want to filter a list of files whose hippo:name contains an underscore in them. My filter in my XPAth query is like this [jcr:contains(@hippo:name,"_")] and I dont think the is support for underscore characters.

Is there a way to write this query ?

Thank you

Try the following:

//*[ jcr:like(@hippo:name, ‘%_%’)]

% is a wildcard for jcr:like.
_ is also a wildcard so it has to be escaped.

I don’t know if this is efficient on large datasets.

Thank you very much. The jcr:like query works very well. Thank you.

However, it looks like it is case sensitive unlike the jcr:contains. How do I make it case insensitive ?

The query below doesn’t seem to return correct results but also
jcr:like is really to be discouraged since it has an awful performance

I don’t know how to make it case insensitive.

It seems to work for me, where as jcr:contains doesn’t seem to work very well at all. On a sample data set of News documents (from essentials) I changed a hippo:name to “The medusa_news”

//*[ jcr:contains(@hippo:name, 'The medusa')]

returns a document, but

 //*[ jcr:contains(@hippo:name, 'The medus')]

does not.

//*[ jcr:contains(@hippo:name, '_news')]
//*[ jcr:contains(@hippo:name, '\_news')]

These return 2 documents that end in “news” but only one has “_news”. So I don’t exactly seem to know how jcr:contains works. I gave a query that seemed to work, I disregarded performance.

Thank you very much , really appreciate it!

I think you can append a (more specific) constraint using either jcr:upper-case or jcr:lower-case function. e.g, //element(*)[jcr:like(@myproject:title, '%\_%') and jcr:like(fn:lower-case(@myproject:title), '%bloom_reach%')]


that totally works, thanks a million!

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