I have a need to query documents by their node name. We are using the HstQueryBuilder and it works fine where the node name starts with a letter:
HstQuery getByName(HstRequestContext context, String name) {
String expression = String.format("fn:name()='%s'", name);
HippoBean folder = context.getSiteContentBaseBean();
return HstQueryBuilder.create(folder).ofTypes(HippoBean.class)
Consider I have documents “top-8-rules” and “8-simple-rules”
builds an XPath query that looks like:
//element(*,myproject:basedocument)[(@hippo:paths='9db2d725-d54e-4331-81de-275d8ce158e4') and (@hippo:availability='live') and not(@jcr:primaryType='nt:frozenNode') and (fn:name()='top-8-rules')]
which works fine. However, when the name is “8-simple-rules”, the corresponding query doesn’t find the document.
Using the /cms/repository, can test several queries:
- works: //element(*, cmsarchetype:contentdocument)[fn:name()=‘top-8-rules’]
- fails: //element(*, cmsarchetype:contentdocument)[fn:name()=‘8-simple-rules’]
- works (but isn’t what HstQueryBuilder creates): //top-8-rules[@hippo:availability=‘live’]
- also works: //8-simple-rules[@hippo:availability=‘live’]
Are there other JCR expressions we can use than fn:name() = {value} ? Or should I build my query with a different API?