Advanced Search user not able to use Publish or Take offline under Perform Actions


We have implemented the advanced search in our project. However we have come across a peculiar bug.
Some users are not able to use the advanced search to perform “bulk publish” or “take offline”.


Using Hippo 12.6.0
Java version 1.8.0_161

We have done the following

  • We have migrated the database of production to our DTA environments to check this issue and only a select amount of users is experiencing this behaviour.
  • To be certain it is not a rights issue all users that are affected are either in the group admin or editor.
  • New users seem to be not having the issue (for now).
  • Deleting the account of an affected user and recreating the account via the cms does not fix the issue.
  • On some environments the user is able to use it and on others not.

I have checked the Catalina.out and hippo-cms.log files for any clue but to no result.

Do you guys have any idea on this?
Are there logs I can lower on /logging to get better information?

Thanks in advance,


at a first glance this looks like a domain configuration issue to me. I’d look whether the group these users belong to is indeed included in the right domain. Although I do not know which domain that would be.

Is it the same users in all environments? Can you attach a debugger to your server environments? Are the actions not selectable or are they not performed? I think the class in question has little or no debug information, so that won’t help.

This is determined by workflow permissions I believe.

Without a reproduction path it is a bit hard to diagnose. Rather than focusing on what the users have, what are the differences between users who can and who can’t?

@jasper.floor Yes it is the same user on all environments but there are multiple users having the same issue :slight_smile:
For the debugger i do not believe that this is possible at this moment.
The actions are not selectable they are greyed out.
The big differences between the users are that those affected by this issue where already made before adding advanced search.