today my brXM lost all its content locally in my dev environment. The hint I found in the logs is
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 15.01.2020 12:19:38 ERROR main [ConfigurationServiceImpl.init:394] Failed to load modules from filesystem for autoexport: autoexport not available.
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] Cannot find module source path for module: ‘content’ in autoexport:modules, expected directory: C:\LPROG\Ldev\Projekte\hippo\content
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 15.01.2020 12:19:38 ERROR main [ConfigurationServiceImpl.init:399] autoexport service disallowed
I don’t have any clue why that is, I did not change any configuration (knowingly). We use Hippo 13.4.
} catch (Exception e) {
final String errorMsg = "Failed to load modules from filesystem for autoexport: autoexport not available.";
if (e instanceof ConfigurationRuntimeException) {
// no stacktrace needed, the exception message should be informative enough
log.error(errorMsg + "\n" + e.getMessage());
} else {
log.error(errorMsg, e);
startAutoExportService = false;
log.error("autoexport service disallowed");
No, that directory is not existing. I also never had such a directory nor does anyone else on the project. I would also wonder what is expected to be there.
I briefly look at the code base, but it is pretty much using project.basedir maven property and trying to construct physical paths to module sources, base on modules configured in /hippo:configuration/hippo:modules/autoexport/hippo:moduleconfig
Check if you had any changes in this area, I believe we haven’t changed anything in this area (functional wise)
Looked into it and the autoexport:modules is massively wrong, so that might be the issue. Thanks I’ll check why that is not correct and if that’s not the issue, I’ll be back