BRXM 14.5.0 complete source build issue- Wars not getting generated

Hi all,

We took the complete source code of brxm-14.5.0-1 through URL(Release Bloomreach Experience Manager (brXM) 14.5.0 · bloomreach/brxm · GitHub). We build the code in our local machine/VM using command ‘mvn clean install -DskipTests -DskipITs’ from the root. We skipped the test cases as most of the test cases were failing. After the successful build, we ran the command ‘mvn clean verify -DskipTests -DskipITs’ from the root but still the CMS, Site and other wars are not getting generated. I can only see all these wars under ‘test-suite’ project. Due to this when we ran the project using ‘mvn -PCargo run’ only default wars (like manager and hostmanager) is deployed in the tomcat. I tried to see other things but still wars are not getting generated. Please guide on the same as I need to run the project locally with the whole source code.

Manish Kumar

Building the product code is not how you build an implementation project. Only the latter contains wars and is runnable with Cargo. Please start to generate such project using the archetype, see Getting Started tutorial.


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Thank you so much @jeroen.hoffman, got it.