Hi all,
We took the complete source code of brxm-14.5.0-1 through URL(Release Bloomreach Experience Manager (brXM) 14.5.0 · bloomreach/brxm · GitHub). We build the code in our local machine/VM using command ‘mvn clean install -DskipTests -DskipITs’ from the root. We skipped the test cases as most of the test cases were failing. After the successful build, we ran the command ‘mvn clean verify -DskipTests -DskipITs’ from the root but still the CMS, Site and other wars are not getting generated. I can only see all these wars under ‘test-suite’ project. Due to this when we ran the project using ‘mvn -PCargo run’ only default wars (like manager and hostmanager) is deployed in the tomcat. I tried to see other things but still wars are not getting generated. Please guide on the same as I need to run the project locally with the whole source code.
Manish Kumar