Display Taxonomy on page

On product page I am trying to display product categories. (Using Taxonomy to add category for product). In my scenario I have added 2 taxonomy (categories) for product and using following code in productpage.ftl file to display categories in which that product falls. But output of following is just iterating the keys and showing ‘|’ two times. Any Idea how can I iterate on taxonomy?

<#list document.keys as item>
<hst:html hippohtml="${item}" /> |

A key is not a rich text field so you can’t use <hst:html> to render it.

There’s an example here on how to go from the key string to a localized name, using <taxonomy:categories> tag:

Also you could do it from the HST component, retrieving the names from Spring instantiated TaxonomyManager


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Thanks for the quick reply. Actually I was trying to set jsp for my template and getting issue with that (Not able to set jsp in property hst:renderpath for template) so wanted to try with .ftl.

Hi, I am using the code below as per this document:

TaxonomyManager taxonomyManager = HstServices.getComponentManager().getComponent(TaxonomyManager.class.getName());

but I just get null…??

Taxonomy is configured correctly as I can add it to the page, but I need the list of items so that the user can filter content …

Bloomreach version 14.5

Any help would be appreciated


I see that in SpringComponentManager-taxonomymanager.xml within hippo-plugin-taxonomy-hstclient.jar, the TaxonomyManager bean is defined as:

  <bean id="TaxonomyManager" class="org.onehippo.taxonomy.impl.TaxonomyManagerImpl">

Retrieving it by ‘TaxonomyManager.class.getName()’ doesn’t seem to match… can you try to retrieve it by the id or classname above?


Maybe just use TaxonomyManager.class.getSimpleName() instead of getName()?

quote=“jeroen.hoffman, post:5, topic:936”]

Hi niether methods seem to work I am afraid… :frowning:


Hmm that is odd, the SpringComponentManager-taxonomymanager.xml doesn’t seem to be Spring-loaded on startup then… maybe you can debug that, Spring logging?

And/or, as a workaround, add that file (see [1]) to your project, below


[1] brxm/SpringComponentManager-taxonomymanager.xml at brxm-14.7.11 · bloomreach/brxm · GitHub


whoever had configured this originally did not have that file!

Appreciate your help.


Good to see you have it covered!

Looks like something broke along the way… I created https://issues.onehippo.com/browse/CMS-15366 to figure it out. No promises on time line :slight_smile: