DynamicDropdown failure with ObserverID/observableID

I’m trying to use two dynamic dropdown sections where the first main dropdown section allows a user to select an option from a list of values and the second dropdown i.e subsection of the main dropdown should have the list of values/Info relevant to the value selected in the main dropdown section. I’m using the concept of observerID/observableID here but failed to get the results. Here are the screenshots of the config I have given:

The above screenshot of the terminal is log while selecting a main menu item on the UI. ‘sae’ is one of the main menu item value.

Can someone please check if my configuration are correct or any changes need to be made in the config.

You need more than just an observer and observable. When you change a value, how do you choose what to display in the observer? The default logic uses the key of the observed value to lookup a value list located at sourceBasePath. There also needs to be a value list at that location.

Alternatively you define a nameProvider which is a class that returns the location of a value list.