hello. I am having problems exporting hippo forms correctly.
I export the CSV file and when I open it with EXCEL the display is incorrect.
can anyone tell me how to solve it?
How are you exporting the form data and what is wrong with the formatting of the CSV? Is all of the data there at least?
Dear Nicholas.
starting from HIPPO I click on “DOWNLOAD AS CSV”.
the file that I download cannot be opened correctly in excel.
in this link you can see the CSV file that downloads me
see if you can find an explanation.
thank you very much
Hi Joseba,
If you open the CSV file using a simple text editor (e.g. Notepad) you’ll see that the lines are not well separated: there are actual “\n” occurrences instead of line separators. I don’t know why, it could be a bug, if you think so then please report a case using support.bloomreach.com. For you know, if you replace those “\n” occurrences, then you should be able to import it into Excel or OpenOffice Calc.
Please do remove your Google Drive file now as it may contain sensitive information!
Regards, Jeroen
Hello Joseba,
on top of what Jeroen mentioned, you can configure the line terminator and separator see the documentation page here.
thanks for the answer and the solution offered. the CSV file is an example and not real emails.
thanks for the answer, I can’t modify correctly the CSV to make the line break. how do I have to change the CSV to make the line break?
at the end of each line I get – “”\n" --".
“Entry date”,“Bitte wählen Sie die Online Schten:”,“Anrede”,“Vorname”,“Nachname”,“E-Mail”,“Telefonnummer”,“Firma”,“Ort”,“PLZ / Postleitzahl”,“Stellenbezeichnung”,“Branche”,“Datenschutz”,“Kontaktaufnahme E-Mail”,“Kontaktaufnahme Telefon”\n"2022-11-10 08:02",“Pneumatik Grundlagen, Luftaufbereitung, Antriebe, Ventile & Systeme",“Herr”,“Peo”,“Serafim”,"pefddgfosa@georgfischer.com”,“”,“Georg Fischer”,“Biel”,“204”,“Lehrling “,“Maschinenbau”,“Ich habe die <a target="_blank" href="https://static.smc.eu/binaries/content/assets/smc_ch/dataprivacynotice_de_ch.pdf"><strong>Datenschutzerklärung</strong></a>.*“,”“,”"\n"2022-11-10 07:26”,“Grundlagen, Luftaufyub0eitung, Antriebe, Ventile & Systeme",“Herr”,“Beat”,“Leuthold”,"beat.leopjld@hauert.com”,”+413200943”,“Hauert HBG Dünger AG”,“Grossaffoltern”,“3257”,“Stv. Leiter Infrastruktur”,“Düngstellung”,“Ich habe die <a target="_blank" href="https://binaries/content/assets/smc_ch/impressum/dataprivacynotice_de_ch.pdf"><strong>Datenschutzerklärung</strong></a>.*","Ich bin damit einverstanden, E-Mails zu Produkten und Services von SMC Schweiz zu erhalten.”,“Ich bin damit einverstanden, telefonisch von SMC Schweiz kontaktiert zu werden.”\n
thank you
Which version of the add-on are you using? Also, are you sure there haven’t been any customisations in this area on your end?
Because I just tried it with an archetype on the latest v14 and the CSV looks fine.
"Entry date","Name"
"2022-12-02 13:06","Test"
"2022-12-02 13:06","Mike"
"2022-12-02 13:06","Lef"