Upgrade issue: Related to RestProxyServicePlugin

Hi Team,

I am getting following exception after the upgrade to hippo version 13.00. I think there is some jar version mismatch or missing jar.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hippoecm.frontend.service.restproxy.RestProxyServicePlugin
Failed to instantiate plugin class ‘org.hippoecm.frontend.service.restproxy.RestProxyServicePlugin’ for wicket id ‘null’ in plugin

If I remove the plugin.class property of this node(/hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms/cms-services/hstRestProxyService) it will start giving me following exception:

No plugin classname configured, please set plugin configuration parameter plugin.class
Failed to instantiate plugin class ‘null’ for wicket id ‘null’ in plugin

Can you guys give some pointers around it?

Thanks in advance.


This reply may come too late but if anyone else comes across this issue I’ll share our approach.

We found that this service is not in use in version 13 vanilla installations. We removed the service called “hstRestProxyService” under hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms/cms-services.