Open a document/image from OpenUI button like wicket "open new tab"

we developed a custom image picker OpenUI extension. We use it to pick a image from Bloomreach images by a custom interface.
We have an “Edit Image” button there in order to make the editor to crop image.
For now the button just set the image edit page url in the browser. Than Bloomreach CMS open a new tab (CMS tab, not browser one) with the image edit page.
The feature is working but once clicked the “Edit Image” button it takes a lot of time to open the tab. What happen is:

  1. the whole document page is reloaded (including the openUI iFrame)
  2. the image tab is open

This is not happening using the standard gallery picker. The CMS skip the first step and just open the image edit page.

Do anyone know how the wicket “open new tab” works and how we can reproduce the same behavior from inside an OpenUI iFrame?

Thank you,