Solr standard supports within cms

Hi team,
I’m currently working with brxm 14.5.0, and looking for standard solr supports in cms rather than apache-camel solr integration.

We want to levearage cms inbuilt solr, if it’s available on upper version please help me on same!. Will be highly apreciated!.

Hi @kumamanish,
Solr support is removed from the product, see also this thread:

Thanks @machak , We have used apache-camel for solr integration on publish/depublish actions. We are facing issue with cms data types on solr side.

Is there any way to deal with solr fields schema from cms side, because we face if any fields with string primptive types contains number as a value but when send to solr, solr treat as a number types (plongs).

It may you will ask for solr forum help but how we can tell to solr from cms side about each fields. Kindly suggest for this issue.

Field types are described within templates …to access template data you can use ContentTypeService and DocumentTypesService

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