hi everyone i am making contents more dynamic in hippo by following the below link
here in step 4: create a java component mentioned that org.example.components package but i am not finding this path in my project. where can i create SimpleComponent java class???
I attached my project structure guide me where do i create SimpleComponent java class??
when i am trying to create SimpleComponent java class in myhippoproject-site/src/main/java/codebele/myhippoproject/components path i am getting error that source folder is not a java project what is the solution ??
You are using the Navigator view in Eclipse. Try to find a Java view of Package explorer view, that should help you better in writing Java code. If eclipse doesn’t treat a new folder as containing java code you should be able to mark it as such.
guys without solving this issue i can’t move forward in my project please
help me…
Thanks Mahesh for starting to explore Hippo CMS. Have you found our
Tutorials? They are a very good starting point:
Next to that you may be helped by some Eclipse tutorial maybe that helps
you write Java code. Using Eclipse shouldn’t be that hard, but it is not
something Hippo-specific.