Unable to download HippoCMS Go Green 7.9.4

http://download.demo.onehippo.com/7.9.4/HippoCMS-GoGreen-Enterprise-7.9.4.zip The Docker ccalls this hippo demo GoGreen ZIP file and is not available for download

Please help as we are trying to pitch the Bloomreach CMS and want to showcase its capabilities through a POC project we are doing


In the meantime we’re version 13 so I’m not surprised it’s outdated…

You can create a local project easily starting from the Maven archetype, build a local distribution and use that instead. See https://documentation.bloomreach.com/trails/getting-started/hippo-essentials-getting-started.html


Also checkout:

The first is a test project, the second has links to a “finished” tutorial project. Both are community edition though. If you need a demo project for a poc with an enterprise project please make contact with our sales department.