Unable to save. The document is no longer yours to edit

Hi Team,

While we creating Xpage content through Experience Manager, we getting below error for one channel. But other channels working fine with same scenario.

> Unable to save. The document is no longer yours to edit

Also, same content creation working through Content Editor.


Looks like your hold on the document was removed. Perhaps an automated process or someone else made a change to the same document while you had it open.

Is this happening for every document you try to edit? Can you edit these documents in the content perspective?

Hi @Nicholas_Pavao
I can edit with content perspective.
Only this issue with Experience Editor with specific channel. Other channels are working fine. Both channel experience page has similar configuration.

Is there any configuration for channel specific to restrict document creation with

Could you clarify if you can edit other experience pages in the problem channel or is it just this one document?

How are you editing this page? (What steps are you taking to actually make a change)

Is this repeatable anywhere other than your local system?

There are some ways to restrict content changes on specific content documents and channels but I would expect you to also not be able to edit in the content perspective if those were in place. Just ensure you have admin permissions on your local.

I have admin access in local and higher environments. Both local and higher environments has the same issue with experience manager, not with content perspective edit.

Followed below steps

  1. Navigated to channel in Experience Manager
  2. Click +Page button
  3. Add Page details and click Next button
  4. Add Document details and click Create button
  5. Error popup will shows as
    > Unable to save. The document is no longer yours to edit

The same steps works with other channel.

Issue fixed by adding hippostd:holder property in document type.

Path: /hippo:namespaces/bloomreach-namespace/ArticleDocument/hipposysedit:prototypes

  jcr:primaryType: hipposysedit:prototypeset
    jcr:mixinTypes: ['mix:referenceable']
    jcr:uuid: 4d168b1c-34bb-407b-a765-1765762d1d00
    hippostd:holder: holder
    hippostd:state: draft
    hippostdpubwf:createdBy: ''


Hi @gnanamoorthi ,

We are happy you are part of Bloomreach Developer’s Community.
Thank you for reaching out to us.

We are marking this thread for Closure. Looking forward to your continuous contribution towards our vibrant Bloomreach Community.

Thank you