I want to implement custom wrapper for a container, but I do not really understanbd how I can fullfill the first mentioned condition:
The content of the HST container is rendered as the only child HTML element of the enclosing HTML element, living in the parent component’s rendering template.
In my case the parent comonent is a component which references another component in an abstract (base) page. The component in the abstract page points to a template. That template contains additional child elements for header and footer.
If I understand the mentionend condition correct, this will not work- right?
My question is now, how must I implement to composition to include a NoMarkup Container?
An when I have a container like this, how must the template look like ?
jcr:primaryType: hst:containercomponent
jcr:uuid: 1292b821-5fb7-4b72-bef7-42709ff48299
hst:template: container
hst:xtype: hst.nomarkup
Template ?:
<#include “…/…/include/imports.ftl”>
<div class=“container space-top-3” ‘>
<@hst.include ref=“Content”/>