Customise ImageUploadValidationPlugin to allow ".json" file

Hi Team,
I am using ImageUploadValidationPlugin as imageValidationService which is not allowing “.json” file to upload, How can i make “.json” to allow or how can I customise to allow “.json” file. Please help me int his asap,


Hi Girija,
It’s controlled by the assetValidationService, see ‘extensions.allowed’ at


Yes, I saw that, I have to use height and width in my validation and it will allow “*.json” file . Which validation class we need to use for that? I tried to use asset validation but here i can not use height and width. Can you please suggest me what validation class hippo is providing to allow .json file and we can give height and width also. Is there any plugin class allowed by hippo for such functionality ?


Yes, I saw that, I have to use height and width in my validation and it will allow “*.json” file . Which validation class we need to use for that? I tried to use asset validation but here i can not use height and width. Can you please suggest me what validation class hippo is providing to allow .json file and we can give height and width also. Is there any plugin class allowed by hippo for such functionality ?


I don’t understand height and width in the context of json files.

Does something not work when .json is configured as allowed extension and a json file is uploaded?
