We’re getting the following exception having followed the instructions to install the RSS Feed:
ContainerException for 'Request{ method='GET', scheme='http', host='localhost:8080', requestURI='/site/feed/syndication/rss.xml', queryString='null'}': org.hippoecm.hst.core.container.ContainerException: Unknown namedPipeline JaxrsRestFeedPipeline. Request processing cannot continue.
We did a spike a while back and it worked fine, but now we wish to implement it we can’t get it working and I’m wondering if something changes with the class JaxrsRestFeedPipeline for v5.x of the plugin which has stopped it working for v4.0.1?
We’re using v12.6.3 of Bloomreach so followed the instructions here: https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/bloomreach-forge/feeds/blob/feed-4.0.1/docs/install.html
To ensure I’m using the correct documentation for the version compatible with v12.x of Bloomreach (v4.0.1 of the feed plugin)
Here are some screenshots of the config: