Hi, we have a @DropDownList in properties of our component in experience manager. Its being populated with a very long list of options that we are dynamically fetching from external datasource. Is there a way we can provide search capability for this @DropDownList so that users can easily filter the option that they need to select. Please suggest.
Also, as component properties editor do not support multi-select dropdown (https://issues.onehippo.com/browse/CMS-13076), is there a workaround to achieve this, please let us know.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Perhaps use an open ui extension?
UI extension can’t be used on component UI level
Hi @jasper.floor, thanks for your reply but component properties editor does not support open-ui extension as well.
Sorry, didn’t read carefully. You could always check out the cms code and see how difficult it is to implement support multi-select drop downs. Then make a diff and see if our product development wants to adopt it. Which would not be a quick fix.
How about linking to a document in which you have the component properties? Wouldn’t be very user friendly I’m afraid.
I think that may not work as it would need creating and maintaining lot of documents (for each component per page) just for capturing additional component properties. And also, as you have mentioned, its not user friendly.
this would need to be a product change because you pretty much have no option to override any of the client side code related to channel manager.
Thanks @machak for your insights here.
I think the capability is there as I see with relevance module(which we dont have/use), there is an additional variant feature to component properties, which does have buttons with capability to open dialog and save back the values. Its just that it is not being available in normal component properties editor. I think having capability of being able to add such a button and multiselect dropdown to component properties will help to cater for a lot use cases.
Please let us know if there is a timeline for these features to be available, specifically for https://issues.onehippo.com/browse/CMS-13076.