Exception when clicking Done to add new document type - 2.7 Exercise 2

Developer Foundations - Content SaaS training. I’m able to create the Field Group titleandimage, but consistently see an error/exception after filling in the string/richtext in a new doc type. The exception occurs when clicking on Done, but it looks like the new document is created. I’ve attempted this 3 separate times with different names for the new document.

Training env: brx-content-training04.bloomreach.io

The document type is not in the drop down when attempting to add the new document in the next step.

The only deviation I can think of is that I set the localhost URL in the config as http instead of https. Hoping for any help!

Hello @jonathanansira I will take a look at this for you.

Hello @jonathanansira I have created the content types for you with new names: FAQtest and titleandimagetest. Can you please continue your exercises and use these instead of FAQ and titleandimage wherever they are referred to? Their full names will be referencespa:FAQtest and referencespa:titleandimagetest

If you have any other issues let us know, thanks!

Hi @jonathanansira

We are happy you are part of Bloomreach Developer’s Community.
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We hope we have answered your queries and therefore marking this thread for Closure.
Looking forward to your continuous contribution towards our vibrant Bloomreach Community.

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