Taxonomy customization

I am following see:

Some questions in this regard–

  1. To add a field on a Taxonomy editor…I would have to create a New Module(plugin) in the Hippo Application Project is this right…?
  2. if so is there any other way I could avoid using a new Module, rather make changes in cms …?

Please let me know in this regard.
Many Thanks
Srinivas Jasti

Hi Srinivas,

  Since such plugin extension lives in the CMS, you don't necessarily have to create a Maven module for that, that you'd use as dependency in the CMS. You can also put your sources in cms/main/java. Be sure that not only compiled classes but also any html/css end up in the cms.war.


Based on the comments above I was able to put the sources on cms/main/java and successfully added extra field on the taxonomy editor,

However I have one issue I wanted to populate this field with value provided by a component on site module, is there a better approach I could take here. Please let me know.

Many Thanks

Srinivas Jasti